About Me

about meHello my name is Sarah and welcome to my site! I am an business owner, artist, wildlife lover! I find a lot of my inspiration from the natural world. I love watching it, learning about it, and finding ways to share what knowledge I have with others so that together, we can help conserve it.  I use my art to tell a story, to help people understand how wildlife and our natural world is so important to us as humans and to the world itself.

I live in a small rural community in British Columbia, Canada, where I am lucky to be able to watch so many bird species out my kitchen windows and where, on many mornings, a herd of deer is hanging out on my front lawn.  I believe that education is the best way to invoke change and when I am not watching nature around me, I spend as much time as I can learning about it so that I am able to share it with others, as well as through my art!!

As for my journey, I have always been creative and have been drawing since I could pick up a pencil. I have always been interested in nature and wildlife, saving birds and mice (fixing the ones that my cat decided to play with) and have always been surrounded by pets from dogs and cats to turtles and rabbits and even a few birds (that my father had rescued). 

At a young age I wanted to be a marine biologist, even though I grew up in a town far from the ocean, but time and life’s turns had me finishing a business degree in Technology Management and running my own business.  Over the years, however, I have realized that helping wildlife through creativity is the direction that I want my business to move in.  I have been taking illustration and animation courses along this path and am currently enrolled in an Illustration Certificate through the Emily Carr University of Art & Design. As for my journey with wildlife, I have, and continue to learn through observation, reading books, watching documentaries, and searching online for any information I can get find to learn more about life on this planet.

My goal as an artist, and business, is to use my skills to help other companies who align with my passion for wildlife and nature, to help tell their story through illustration and animation. If you are a company looking for some help in that department, please contact me here or check out my services here